Monday 30 December 2019

Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening

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Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening

Who doesn’t want to have white teeth? Nowadays, it’s very easy to have our teeth whitened through professional teeth whitening which is the most common cosmetic dentistry or over the counter teeth whitening products.

We can all have an easy access to everything to whiten our teeth but without proper understanding the pros and cons of teeth whitening it could damage or ruin our dream perfect smile.

One of the pros of teeth whitening is the confident smile it can give to us which makes us more attractive. Then, one of the potential risk is tooth sensitivity and gum irritation.

Since this type of whitening uses bleach such as peroxide-based whitening that can cause gum burns, burning sensation in throat or upset stomach.

What could be the long term effects of teeth whitening? More teeth whitening products are now available over-the-counter and these store-bought teeth whitening products have hydrogen peroxide which is a bleaching agent.

Pros and cons of teeth whitening in ParramattaRegular use of this can lessen or lighten the enamel making the teeth brittle that could cause chipping or cracking of teeth as well as sensitive teeth.

Teeth whitening in Parramatta has become more popular because this is the easiest and fastest way to get your perfect white smile. It can only take for about 60-90 minutes to achieve a flashy smile which can be done either in-chair whitening or a take home teeth whitening.

Most common teeth whitening product is Zoom which is a light activated technology and can whiten your teeth in one session and is non-invasive. All that is needed is the whitening gel that is being applied to your upper and lower teeth while the LED light triggers the gel.

The bottom line is that we should all be aware of the pros and cons of teeth whitening because without this understanding, it could cause damage to your precious smile as our smile is the first thing that everybody notices.





Thursday 26 December 2019

Temporary veneers in situ. Reimagining the original length of the worn dentition. Freehand Estelite Sigma BW temporary veneers. Call us now (02) 8090 1105 #parramattadentistry #smilemakeover #cosmeticdentistry #cosmeticdentist #dentistry #veneers #dentalcrowns #dentalveneers

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Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Options

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Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Options

A lot of women lately have been wanting to have an affordable cosmetic dentistry options. While the traditional dentistry helps us with good oral hygiene, the cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving your smile.

Most women who seek cosmetic dentistry have spent around $7000 and others spent as little as $300 according to American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD).

There are various cosmetic dentistry services where patients can choose from and these are teeth whitening, bonding, veneers, implants, dentures and crowns. Choosing the right cosmetic dentist will help you and lead you to the right treatment you will have.

Most cosmetic dentist had taken additional course and extensive study about these treatments and procedures, they should also be a part or accredited with any recognised associations.

If you are looking for cosmetic dentistry prices in Parramatta, one thing that we need to consider as well is the fee for the dental services as they tend to differ and sometimes it depends on the location and the years of study of the dentist.Affordable cosmetic dentistry options in Parramatta

So how much does it cost to have perfect teeth? For most people who are willing to spend for aesthetic purposes of their smile, they could spend as much as $7000 depending on the type of smile makeover they would like to have.

Top reasons for getting their teeth done is for career, holidays, dating, wedding day, aesthetic purposes and for them to feel younger. Back in the days, only rich and famous have access to invest in cosmetic dentistry but now this type of cosmetic is accessible to a lot of patients as they are not just used for aesthetic purposes but also to improve oral hygiene.

Everything depends on how major change the patient would like, from just a simple teeth whitening to major dental surgery. We all like to have clean, healthy, perfect and natural looking teeth but then it all depends on how much the patient is willing to pay.





Monday 23 December 2019

Adult Braces in Parramatta

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Adult Braces in Parramatta

Adult braces in ParramattaBraces are not just limited to children and teens; we also have adult braces in Parramatta. They can also undergo orthodontic treatment for crooked teeth or spaced teeth.

Normally, if adults’ orthodontic problems are not addressed right away then the pain and difficulty could worsen in the future. Orthodontic treatments can actually be done at any age.

Orthodontic treatment might take longer for the adults because some of the facial bones are no longer growing and some corrections might not be possible. Ideally, during childhood is the best time to have orthodontic treatment but now more adults are opting for this type of treatment because of the excellent results.

It is definitely one of the growing treatments available in the field of dentistry. Before, adults didn’t mind if their teeth are not straight but now a lot of people want their teeth to look healthier and better giving a boost to their self-confidence.

Average adult braces cost between $5000 to $6000 and treatment is about 18 months to 3 years but it depends on the type of orthodontic treatment you are getting.

Invisalign are also popular with adults because it is made up of clear braces or aligners. They are invisible which other people wouldn’t notice whilst you are wearing them.

Most adults can still go on with their daily activities without feeling anxious or conscious about their orthodontic treatment. Invisalign is removable which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

An advantage because it wouldn’t be a hassle to eat or drink as you can remove it anytime. On the other hand, the disadvantage is it could get lost easily when you keep removing your Invisalign.

Also, bear in mind that Invisalign will be effective when you keep it on for 20 to 22 hours a day. So, you really have to put an effort on this if you desire to have your teeth straightened.



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Wednesday 18 December 2019

Our Toy Donation to North Shore Mums Smiles2U. The toys are sent to Royal North Shore Hospital ED/Children’s Ward, Hornsby Hospital Paediatrics Ward, Wise Specialist Emergency Clinic - Macquarie Park, Gosford Hospital and Sydney Adventist Hospital. Merry Christmas 🎄

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Thursday 31 October 2019

Sleep and Dental Health

Every night as you prepare to sleep, the last thing that will be on your mind is your teeth. Our sleep can have an impact on our oral health.  Not getting enough sleep could lead to a myriad of health problems. There could be different reasons for the lack of sleep. You might be grinding your teeth at night while you sleep. This could lead to serious dental problems and you should be looking for a dentist Parramatta to come up with a solution for the issue.

Dry Mouth

Sleeping with dry mouth can have a couple of consequences. The body’s production of saliva naturally reduces when we’re asleep. Saliva plays a crucial role in the chewing and digestion of food. It also neutralizes the acidity levels in the mouth to prevent erosion of the teeth. When you breathe through the mouth instead of the nose, you will make the teeth and gums dry. This will, in turn, lead to the shrinking of the mouth tissues which encourages the growth of bacteria. This is not only uncomfortable but it could lead to bad breath as well.

Brushing your teeth before going to bed is important but doesn’t always have to be exactly before you turn in. There are some kinds of toothpaste that are known to dry the mouth and you should consult with your dentist on the appropriate ones to use.

Dental Hygiene

It is recommended that you brush twice a day. Brushing and flossing before you go to sleep is crucial as you’d want to get rid of the plaque and bacteria in the mouth. Flossing, in particular, will help get rid of plaque and germs in those hard to reach areas. Don’t forget to also clean the tongue as it could be harboring serious bacteria which will come alive while you’re asleep. It might not be a bad idea to invest in an electric toothbrush which will ensure that the teeth are being cleaned the right way.

Teeth Grinding

This usually happens when one is asleep and it is something that happens unconsciously.  The grinding will cause premature wear to the teeth and it isn’t something that you’re likely to notice immediately. It will also result in damage to the enamel coating. There are some researchers who believe that teeth grinding comes about as a human reflex designed to increase the airflow the mouth by moving the jaw forward.


The most common solution for teeth grinding is wearing a mouthguard when you’re going to sleep. You should consult with your dentist to ensure that you’re getting the right mouthguard that guarantees comfort so that you don’t feel like you’re being trapped when sleeping.

To sum it up, having a good night’s sleep is crucial for your dental health. If you suspect that you might be grinding your teeth while asleep, it is imperative that you see a dentist immediately. The condition might have led to other complications and you shouldn’t be waiting for the next appointment in order to see a dentist. For more information on dental issues, you can check out

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Suite 25, Lvl 3, 27 Hunter St

Parramatta, NSW 2150 

(02) 8090 1109


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Saturday 19 October 2019

The Importance of Professional Teeth Cleaning For Your Children

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The Importance of Professional Teeth Cleaning For Your Children

As a parent, it is important that you make sure that oral hygiene is taken care of to avoid common dental diseases. That is why you should only be looking for the best children’s dentist Parramatta to ensure that your child’s health is in good hands. Brushing and flossing are not enough to remove all the bacteria in the mouth. Such bacteria could tooth decay and common dental infections. That is why it is important to look for professional teeth cleaning just to make sure that dental hygiene is up to standard.

What Professional Teething Cleaning Entails

In a dental office, you can expect your child’s teeth to be cleaned and polished to the highest standard. The dentist should also be able to provide techniques and tips that could be used at home to maintain the teeth for good health. Kids need to be educated on the importance of good oral hygiene. This because kids take an active and proactive role when it comes to brushing and flossing when they’re involved in the education.

The kids need to brush and floss the teeth at least twice a day. Make sure they’re avoiding sweets as often as possible and should brush after taking them.

Children are at a high risk of dental disease during the first decade of their life. Cleanings help in removing plaques, prevents cavities, and will identify any potential cavity that is forming. If there are no regular teeth cleanings, cavities can spread and make the situation worse. Regular teeth cleanings are the best ensuring that your kid’s smile and health is maintained.

As we have mentioned, regular brushing isn’t enough when it comes to the health of your child’s teeth. There is no toothbrush that is designed to reach all the groves of the tooth. Even flossing will not be enough to catch the residue that might remain after brushing. Regular cleanings ensure that your child gets a “deep clean” to help in preventing cavities and plaque.

It is easy for a parent to assume that regular cleaning is enough for a child whose teeth are still growing. It is best that you take your child for teeth cleanings even if the teeth are still growing. A child needs as many cleanings as an adult. Experts recommend that the first dental cleaning should be on the first birthday.

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A parent could worry about the frequency of teeth cleanings if the child doesn’t like going to the dentist. Your child needs to get used to going to the dentist as it is crucial for the health of teeth. That is why it is important that you look for a dentist that will make your child as comfortable as possible. The child will also need to be engaged so that they can understand the importance of going to the dentist. It is understandable that some children will be anxious when going to the dentist. For more information on teeth cleanings, you can check out



Parramatta Dentistry

Suite 25, Lvl 3, 27 Hunter St

Parramatta, NSW 2150 

(02) 8090 1109


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Wednesday 2 October 2019

Is the Cost of Teeth Whitening Worth It?

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Is the Cost of Teeth Whitening Worth It?

Teeth whitening prices in ParramattaThere must be a time when someone you know suddenly comes up to you and says, “Hey, you need some teeth whitening. Go visit a dentist.”

When that happens, don’t get offended. Teeth whitening is very important too, and should actually be on top of your priorities.

Having sparkly white teeth is a sign of good oral health as well, so you should really think about investing on the skills of your dentist and avail of teeth whitening services.

Are the benefits really worth the teeth whitening cost in Parramatta? Here are some of the advantages that you can expect to enjoy when you decide to regularly subject your teeth to cleaning and whitening:

  • You get a more attractive smile, which will grow your popularity with your peers.
  • You can avoid serious oral health problems that can cost you more in the long run.
  • You can be rest assured that your mouth and teeth are in great shape.

These are but three advantages that you can get from teeth whitening in Parramatta, and you can tell that they all outweigh the cost.

Here are some ways though to look for an affordable teeth whitening in Parramatta. Just by browsing on the Internet, you can easily find teeth whitening in Parramatta deals.

The Internet has a mega warehouse of information on that topic and many others. With a few keywords and the click of a mouse, you can find reliable sources of teeth whitening prices in Parramatta.

Do a bit of research, and you can certainly find that deal that should give you a great bargain on teeth whitening services.



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Wednesday 25 September 2019

Root Canal Treatment: Tips For Faster Recovery

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How Preventive Dentistry Saves You a Fortune

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Root Canal Treatment: Tips For Faster Recovery

It should be noted that it can take days for root canal to fully heal especially since surgery was required for this treatment. Recovery can also depend on the number of appointments the dentist needs.

Getting back to your day to day activities is important however, these types of procedures can limit a person from in performing their daily tasks. Let us look at some tips on how to help speed up the recovery of root canal therapy in Parramatta.

Dentist often advise their clients to eat a few hours before their root canal therapy. The reason behind this is that this helps give our bodies the nutrients it requires to help jump start the recovery process.

Furthermore, eating after the root canal procedure is unlikely especially when the effect of the anaesthetic is still in place making it troublesome to eat.

Root canal treatment in Parramatta

Root canal treatment in Parramatta and the length of the recovery can depend on a number of factors. Patients are often prescribed pain relievers to help ease the pain.

It is important that you follow their instructions and work hand in hand with your dentist in order to get the right dosage.

A number of patients find the purchase of night guards to be a very good investment especially to those who have bruxism which is a habit of grinding their teeth while they sleep or clenching their jaws without them noticing it.

Furthermore, night guards helps avoid placing too much pressure on the tooth making them handy to have.



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How Preventive Dentistry Saves You a Fortune

There’s a huge number of individuals that take preventative dental lightly or for granted seeing it as a minor procedure. Unfortunately, most people tend to visit a dental clinic only when they felt something is bugging their tooth.

It’s a shame that a lot of people practice this and to think that having the right type of preventive dental care can help reduce the likelihood of developing a wide variety of dental problems later down the line. Let us look at a number of oral health issues that you can avoid with the help of preventive dentistry.

Prevention is always better than cure and this is what preventive dentistry in Parramatta believes in. You can avoid a number of troublesome problems such as cavities, gingivitis, enamel loss, periodontitis and the likes simply by following the dental care tips given by your dentist.

This includes regular oral care practices such as brushing and flossing regularly, using a mouthwash, eating healthy foods, as well as making dental visits a routine. Your dentist will be able to check your oral health closely that we as patients couldn’t see.

All of these preventive measures will definitely go a long way in helping people avoid oral health problems that can be expensive to treat.

Practising the proper oral hygiene and visiting your dentist for a regular checkup will greatly benefit you not just by having healthy set of teeth but also saves you a fortune from getting any costly dental treatment due to improper oral care.

Preventive dentistry is something that should be taught to children as early as possible as this helps them develop a strong and healthy set of teeth which can help boost their self-esteem among their peers.

With that being said, this process does not end when children transition to adulthood. What you’ve learned about oral care practices when you were young will still be relevant in the present making them always handy to have.


Preventative dental in Parramatta


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Sunday 22 September 2019

Teaching Kids Proper Oral Hygiene and Care

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Teaching Kids Proper Oral Hygiene and Care

It is quite important to teach kids oral hygiene as early as possible to help develop their teeth with little to no problem. The best time to start is usually around age two to three years as they can understand a little bit and also, it is at this age where the child’s teeth are in contact with each other.

Bacteria can develop into plaque when food particles get caught between them. This is also a great time to visit a paediatric dentist in Parramatta to have your kids’ teeth checked for any problem. Let us look at some dental care tips for your child.

It should be noted that most kids at an early age have a liking to sugar and as such, a huge number of parents often include this to their diet. Parramatta paediatric dentistry however, advise parents to regulate the sugar intake of their child as this can have a huge impact with their oral health.

Parramatta Paediatric dentistry

Eating sugary treats after mealtime is advised because our mouth produces more saliva which acts as a defence in helping protect a child’s teeth. Hard candies are not often recommended as they can get often stuck between teeth which can lead to the development of cavities.

Children’s dentistry in Parramatta recommends flossing to remove the candy particles.

Children’s dentist in Parramatta encourages their patients to pursue a healthy diet that is good for their teeth. Dairy products are known to help combat oral bacteria and promote stronger teeth. The same is true with regards to fruits and vegetables.


Thursday 19 September 2019

Tips to Promote Oral Hygiene

Many people make resolutions at the beginning of the year. One of the common resolutions that a lot of people make is living a healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle involves a lot more than making a verbal statement. You have to look for the best dentist in Parramatta as oral health is just as important. Failure to check your oral hygiene could lead to serious issues in the future. Here are some tips that will come in handy if you’re trying to promote your oral hygiene.


It is easy to assume that you don’t need to floss if you brush your teeth twice a day. You should think again because there are some spaces that your toothbrush can’t reach. The bacteria in plaque can cause havoc if it is not removed through flossing. This will cause tooth decay over time as acids attack the teeth while irritating the gums. Such conditions can simply be prevented by flossing on a regular.

Dental Visits

You should not skip the scheduled dental visits. There are occasions where flossing will not be enough and you will need teeth cleanings so that you’re not leaving anything to chance when it comes to getting rid of bacteria. It is recommended that you go to the dentist every six months just to ensure that your teeth are in good health. Plaque builds up over time, hardening and turning into tartar. Once this occurs, it will be much more difficult to remove them. This provides a conducive environment for the bacteria to form between the teeth. Your dentist will have the professional tools and expertise needed to completely get rid of the tartar so that you can have a clean slate of teeth.

A regular checkup will also allow the dentist to perform a routine oral exam. There will be a visual inspection of the teeth, throat, tongue, and gums. A dentist will look for any abnormalities which could be a sign of an underlying condition. Gum disease or oral cancer can be managed if detected early. In order to prevent serious damage, early detection is crucial. It will be easier and cheaper to treat a problem before it develops into something bigger. You should never skip a dentist appointment no matter how hard it is for you.

Less Sugar

Consuming less sugar is not only good for your health but is also good for your teeth. Taking a lot of sugar will only fuel the bacteria that cause tooth decay. You will reduce the impact on your teeth when you cut down the sugars. There are foods that are healthy and will replace the sugar treats perfectly. Such foods include carrots, pears, cucumbers, broccoli, and greens like spinach.

Drink a Lot of Water

Research has shown that matter has numerous benefits to the body. It can be replaced with sugary drinks like soda, coffee, or milk. Water doesn’t have sugar and will help in flushing the food particles. For more information, you can check out



Parramatta Dentistry

Suite 25, Lvl 3, 27 Hunter St

Parramatta, NSW 2150 

(02) 8090 1109


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Tips to Promote Oral Hygiene

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Wednesday 18 September 2019

Traits That Make a Good Orthodontist

Teeth straightening in ParramattaIt should be noted that skills and expertise only make half of what represents an orthodontist. Their qualities and traits fill the remaining half and this is something that should not be taken lightly or for granted.

Let us look at the qualities that you need to look for from a Parramatta orthodontist to help you with your teeth issues.

Orthodontics in Parramatta is a popular practice that has become more accessible with several clinics setting up and integrating their services over the internet.

Availability is one of the first qualities that you should take into consideration when looking for an orthodontist in Parramatta. For that matter, you need to make sure that they at least have their own website that they are managing which helps open the way for more avenues for communication.

Speaking of communication, good communication skill is also considered a highly valued trait with regards to teeth straightening in Parramatta.

This allows an orthodontist to effectively convey their message to their clients in a timely manner without them feeling confused or overwhelmed with the information provided. This in turn helps make their clients feel relaxed and at ease during their visit at their clinic.

Last but definitely not the least trait is honesty and trustworthiness.

It is important for an orthodontist to be more honest by setting realistic expectations and goals to their clients with regards to their teeth braces in Parramatta. Doing so allows them to build trust and a strong relationship with their clients.





Traits That Make a Good Orthodontist

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Sunday 15 September 2019

Dental Emergency

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Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies can happen to anyone in the form of accidents or other related mishaps. Quick thinking plays a huge role in helping save a tooth from further harm before seeing an emergency dentist.

This is the reason why it is important to know in advance what to do with these types of emergencies. Let us help guide you through some tips on how to deal with dental emergencies.

Getting in touch with an emergency dentist in Parramatta is imperative however, there are a number of factors that can delay your visit such as the location of the clinic as well as the availability of the dentist.

You can however, save a knocked-out tooth by placing them between your cheek and gums. Milk is also known to be a very good alternative as it contains proteins to keep cells growing unlike water which is known to cause root surface to swell up and even burst which is something that you don’t want to happen.

Emergency dental Parramatta

You can apply a quick remedy for a cracked tooth before seeing an after-hours dentist in Parramatta by using warm water to clean the affected area and applying cold compress on the face to reduce swelling.

The same principle also applies when you bite your tongue or lip.

Prevention is always better than cure with emergency dental in Parramatta.

This is why a number of individuals take the extra steps in helping reduce the likelihood of dental emergencies by using a mouth guard especially when engaging in sports or other recreational activities.





Peter Finally Has His Smile Back by Parramatta Dentistry

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Parramatta Dentistry Gives Peter a New Smile | Parramatta Dentistry

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Wednesday 11 September 2019

How Diet Can Affect Your Dental Implant Cost

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How Diet Can Affect Your Dental Implant Cost

Dental implant cost in ParramattaIt should be noted that food is oftentimes the least of concern for people who have just received a dental implant. A common error a number of individuals take is taking their diet lightly or for granted.

Several patients go back to their everyday meals which can affect the overall integrity of their implant.

Let us look at what role food plays in helping you minimise the dental implant cost in Parramatta.

Dental implants prices in Parramatta are fairly high especially since these types of procedures require surgery to perform. This is the reason why clients want to get the most out of their tooth implant cost in Parramatta.

This can be done by following proper oral hygiene and dental implant aftercare tips provided by your dentist.

Bad diet can increase the overall time it takes for your dental implants to heal making it more costly as you keep spending for your aftercare maintenance such as medicines. For that matter, it is important for patients to take the necessary steps in changing their diet for the time being as it will make your tooth implant recovery time much quicker and easier.

This often involves diet that revolves around soft foods such as eggs, beans or fish all of which have healthy amounts of protein that are known to be good for the teeth. Cheese, fruits and vegetables, cooked cereals and soft sweets can be enjoyed after getting a dental implant.

Following this diet regimen will definitely go a long way in helping reduce the total implant cost in Parramatta that you are getting.



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Wednesday 4 September 2019

The Importance of Good Diet and Nutrition on Oral Health

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The Importance of Good Diet and Nutrition on Oral Health

It is common knowledge that good nutrition is necessary for the general health of a person. What people do not know is that food choices can have a direct impact on your oral health? That is why you need to look for a Parramatta dental clinic that cares about their overall health and can advise on the best food to eat. There are some foods and diets that are known to cause tooth decay.

Diet and Tooth Decay

Carbohydrates is the main source of food for the bacteria that are living inside your mouth. You can reduce the chances of getting cavities if you can reduce the intake of carbohydrates and foods rich in sugars. Other than avoiding sugary drinks and foods, it is imperative that you’re also reading the labels so that you’re aware of the sugar levels. One way you can identify the sugar sources is like looking at the name particularly those ending with “-ose”. Some of the commonly added sugars include dextrin, fructose, sucrose, glucose, maltose, syrup, cane sugar, brown sugar, fruit juice concentrate, and molasses.

Foods That Negatively Affect Your Oral Health

Sticky candies: Such food will include muffins, cookies, caramel, mint, and snacks like chips. They should be a cause of dental health concern because they don’t offer much when it comes to nutrition value. They also have a high concentration of sugar which adheres to the teeth. This provides food for the bacteria in the mouth ultimately leading to tooth decay because of the high acidity levels in the mouth.

Acidic Foods: Foods like tomatoes have the potential of eroding the tooth enamel. They should be consumed as a part of a larger and healthier meal and not by themselves.

Sugary Drinks: Soda, sweetened coffee or tea is harmful because there is a sugary bath in the mouth every time you drink them.

Food That Positively Impact Your Oral Health

One of the ways you can avoid tooth decay is by making sure that you’re avoiding sugary drinks and also eating a healthy diet. Your nutrition and calories requirements will depend on a couple of factors like age, gender, and the level of physical activity. Having said that, a healthy diet should contain:

Proteins: There are lean protein sources like lean beef, fish, and skinless poultry. There are also other sources like beans, peas, and legumes. Experts recommend taking eight ounces of seafood every week.

Fruits and vegetables: Half of your plate should be covered in vegetables as they are a good source of vitamins. Vitamin A will help in the enamel production of the tooth. Vitamin C will prevent bleeding gums, gum disease, and overgrown gums. Vitamin B helps in healing sores and lesions in the mouth.

It is important that you don’t skip dental appointments so that potential problems are discovered early. You should also cultivate a habit of eating healthy which is crucial for your teeth. For more information, you can check out 





Parramatta Dentistry

Suite 25, Lvl 3, 27 Hunter St

Parramatta, NSW 2150 

(02) 8090 1109


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Wednesday 28 August 2019

Traditional vs. Mini Implants

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Traditional vs. Mini Implants

Implant in ParramattaDental implant in Parramatta is getting more and more popular these days. A dental implant is a fixed artificial tooth and very ideal for patients with gaps.

Dental implants are very durable as it can last for 10-25 years if the patient who has it knows how to follow good oral hygiene. It is also made to blend with your natural teeth so people will not notice that you have an artificial tooth.

There are two types of a dental implant in Parramatta, we have the traditional implants and the latest type of implant in Parramatta which is the mini implants.

Now, what is the difference between the two and which works better? Actually, both implants work well it just depends on every patient’s case.

Not all patients are eligible to have traditional or mini implants. Traditional implants need a decent amount of bone structure to secure the artificial tooth and if the patient has significant bone loss, the traditional implants won’t work.

As for mini implants in Parramatta, they are smaller than traditional implants and it is also less invasive so the healing process is faster and it is recommended for patients with bone atrophy; this works similar to traditional implants.

The dental implant cost in Parramatta ranges from $1,500-$6,000 or more while mini dental implants cost in Parramatta is ranging from $500 to $1,500. Mini dental implants cost in Parramatta is cheaper than traditional implants.

Your dentist will be the one who will be able to recommend what type of dental implants will work for you and will inform you of the pros and cons of traditional and mini dental implants.



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Sunday 25 August 2019

Important Considerations For Teeth Whitening

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Important Considerations For Teeth Whitening

Due to the advancement of our dental practice, there are a lot of options for teeth whitening. And we are intrigued by what are the best options for teeth whitening.

Since social media is a huge influence in our generation, we always want to know the new trends for maintaining attractive white teeth.

The market now is flooded with teeth whitening products and most of us tend to believe in commercials that we see on any social media platforms, some of them are cheap and some are not. We also cannot guarantee if those products are really effective.

You also need to be cautious in buying those products because some of them are not even tested and approved by the TGA which could cause some problems to our health.

Teeth whitening in Parramatta is getting more and more popular. Having white teeth is an instant attraction and having yellow teeth is a big no for all of us.

The most recommended type of teeth whitening is in-chair teeth whitening as you only need 45 minutes to an hour and you will be able to see the changes in the colour of your teeth.

Pros and cons of teeth whitening in Parramatta

But what are the long term effects of teeth whitening? For you to prolong the effect of laser teeth whitening, it is important that you follow the advice of your dentist, maintain good oral hygiene and avoid bad habits like smoking and not brushing regularly.

To maximise the effect of teeth whitening, it is important that you already have your scale and clean done prior to your teeth whitening appointment to avoid ugly results. Be informed that temporary sensitivity can be felt after the treatment.

Always inform your dentist about your dental history to avoid problems later on and always ask about the pros and cons of teeth whitening.



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Wednesday 21 August 2019

Average Cost Needed For Dental Veneers

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Average Cost Needed For Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers Cost in ParramattaWho doesn’t want to have a perfect smile? Everyone wants to have a perfect smile. We now exist in a world where everyone is influenced by social media and selfie where perfect set of teeth is a must.

There are a lot of dental treatments that will help you achieve that perfect smile. One of those treatments is dental veneers.

Dental veneers are getting more and more popular for both men and women these days. Veneers in Parramatta are known as a permanent replacement for a stained tooth that cannot be fixed by teeth whitening, uneven teeth, worn out teeth caused by Bruxism, and chipped tooth.

Dental veneers in Parramatta also look more natural, it can be done in 1-2 appointments and it doesn’t stain. The only thing that you need to consider before having dental veneers is to address the existing problems first like severe gum problems, tooth decay as well as Bruxism to avoid additional expense.

Dental veneers cost in Parramatta depends on what type of veneers you would like to have. Porcelain veneers cost in Parramatta is ranging from $990 to $2,500 per tooth but can last 10 to 15 years depending on how you take care of your teeth while $495 to $1500 for composite veneers cost per tooth in Parramatta usually lasts from 5-8 years.

It is important that you follow good oral hygiene to maximise the life span of your veneers. Dental veneers are not usually covered by insurance since it is considered a cosmetic treatment.

For financial concerns, look for dental veneers special offer from your dental clinic’s website to avail an exclusive discount. Also, a lot of dental practices offer payment plans just ask them if you need assistance.



Home – ParramattaDentistry


Sunday 18 August 2019

How Does Invisalign Works?

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How Does Invisalign Works?

Invisalign Cost in ParramattaHaving straight teeth is a huge confidence booster and Invisalign is one of the latest types of treatment to straighten your teeth. It’s a good replacement for metal braces which is a bit uncomfortable and is usually attached to teeth for 24 hours and 7 times a week.

Unlike metal braces, Invisalign braces is removable so it’s not difficult to maintain good oral hygiene but you need to wear it for 20–22 hours a day. The treatment time though varies by case.

It is also transparent so people won’t notice that you are wearing it. It is recommended for professionals or anyone who wants to keep their orthodontics unnoticeable.

Metal braces and Invisalign requires a retainer to maintain good results. But how much does Invisalign cost in Parramatta? Invisalign price in Parramatta depends on the case of the patient.

Your orthodontist in Parramatta is the one who can recommend to see how many aligners you will need for the treatment and in that way you will be able to determine how much is the cost of Invisalign. The average cost of Invisalign is ranging from $3,000–$7,000 or more.

The Invisalign braces cost in Parramatta again depends on the recommendation of your dentist. The cost varies on a case-to-case basis depending on your individual needs and it should be discussed with your orthodontist.

It is also important that you already know the pros and cons of the treatment. Always remember that not all treatments will be effective if you will not follow the advice of your orthodontist.



Home – Parramatta Dentistry


Wednesday 14 August 2019

Filling The Gaps in Your Smile

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Filling The Gaps in Your Smile

Tooth replacement in ParramattaTooth replacement in Parramatta is getting more and more popular these days to both men and women.

Why? Having a complete smile is our confidence booster, not only that but teeth also have a huge role in our speech.

People who have lost some of their teeth especially on the front part have difficulty in pronouncing their words clearly and it also affects your facial features.

If you have lost a number of teeth, it will make you look older than your age.

We should be thankful that we have advanced technology and that dental implants are now available. Dental implants or others may call it as denture implants are the best way to replace gaps.

Unlike dentures or dental bridges, implants can last from 10-25 years depending on how good you maintain it.

Tooth implant also looks like your natural teeth so people will not notice that you have an artificial tooth. Also, dental implants make your bone much stronger due to bone grafting.

The only thing that you need to consider is the cost of dental implants in Parramatta as it ranges from $1500-$6000 depending on how many tooth implants you need. The price is overwhelming because it is usually not covered by dental insurance as it’s considered a cosmetic procedure. But some dental practice office has payment plan options; all you need to do is to ask them.

Dental implants are also not suitable to all patients, it is still a case to case basis and your dentist will be the one who can explain that to you better once you have your initial consult. Just remember to always ask the advantage and disadvantages of every treatment you will have.



Parramatta Dentist


Sunday 11 August 2019

Dental Implants Recovery Period

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Dental Implants Recovery Period

tooth implant in Parramatta recovery timeDealing with gaps is very annoying and also depressing at the same time. A complete set of teeth is what we always wanted.

As we age, we cannot avoid the fact that we will slowly lose our teeth and we can’t do anything about it. Dental implants are one of the best options that our dentist would usually recommend.

Tooth implant in Parramatta is getting more famous despite the dental implant cost in Parramatta. People tend to choose dental implants because it can last a lifetime or around 10 – 25 years if you only know how to take care of it.

Not everyone is eligible for dental implants. Your dentist will do a series of test to determine if you can have dental implants.

Dental implant procedure timeline takes between 3-6 months to be completed. The reason for this is because some dental implants need bone grafting to have a successful treatment.

The tooth implant recovery time after surgery depends on individual healing period. Dental implant procedure pain is normal, your dentist will prescribe a medication like Ibuprofen to remove the discomfort.

It is usually advised to have a soft diet after the procedure to avoid further trauma to the fresh wounds and to also lessen your discomfort. Bruising and swelling are also normal after the procedure in which the dentist will usually advise having cold compress after the procedure to lessen the swelling.

What you need to do after the treatment is to follow your dentist’s advice and make sure you have a follow-up appointment to avoid problems later on.
