Wednesday 6 September 2017

How Much Does A Root Canal Cost?

Having root canal therapy is not fun at all. It can only be fun for the dentist who makes a good living by earning a lot from this dental procedure that will clear up the infected pulp found at the canal of the tooth’s root.

A lot of people have misconceptions of this procedure being painful but the truth is that it’s not much worse than the sensation of getting a tooth filling.

The real terror may come when you have to face the root canal cost. The cost of root canal can vary depending on many factors.

You have to understand that the molars found at the back of your mouth have more roots compared to the teeth in front. The molars are We have the best dentist for root canal therapy in Parramatta.also difficult to access which is why they are more expensive.

When your dentist feels that the procedure is just too complicated, you could be referred to an endodontist who might charge you even higher by 50 percent.

Endodontists spent two more years in school for specialisation.

Another factor that affects the root canal cost is if the dentist or the endodontist has a dental clinic in a highly urbanised area.

When the canal is thoroughly cleaned out and the hole drilled to ensure access on the inside of a tooth can be easily sealed off, you only need to pay $400 up to $500. This is already considered bargain price for a root canal therapy.

However, the most common treatment process is for the dentist to place a dental crown on top of the tooth replaced. This means you have to pay for several hundreds more.



Home – Parramatta Dentistry


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